Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)

The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), part of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) was formed in the year 2001. The vision of the council is, “To enable a sustainable built environment for all and facilitate India to be one of the global leaders in the sustainable built environment by 2025”.


Project teams interested in IGBC project certification should first register with IGBC.

Registration is the first step that helps establish communication with IGBC and provides access to the required documents, templates, important communications and other required information. Once the project is registered, the project team can begin preparing the documentation and calculation to meet the mandatory requirements and credit delivery requirements.


To achieve the IGBC rating , the project must satisfy all the mandatory requirements and the minimum number of credit points.
The project team is expected to provide supporting documents at preliminary and final stage of submission, for all the mandatory requirements and the credits attempted.

The project needs to submit the following:

1. Filled-in Template
2. Narratives and supporting documentation such as drawings, calculations (in excel sheets), declarations/ contract documents, purchase invoices, manufacturer cut-sheets/ letters/ material test reports, etc., for each mandatory requirement/ credit

The project documentation is submitted in two phases preliminary submittal and final submittal:

1. Preliminary phase involves submission of all documents, which shall include mandatory requirements and the minimum number of credits. The preliminary submission would commence on receipt of the certification fee (refer respective IGBC rating web page for fee details). Later the preliminary submission would be reviewed by a third party assessor and the review comments would be shared within 30 working days.
2. The next phase involves submission of clarifications to preliminary review queries and final submittal. This review will also be provided within 30 working days, after which the rating is awarded.

It is important to note that the mandatory requirements and credits earned at the preliminary review are only considered as expected. These mandatory requirements and credits are not awarded until the final documents are submitted, along with additional documents showing implementation of design features. If there are changes in any expected credits aspects after preliminary review, these changes need to be documented and resubmitted during the final review.


Certification is applicable to the following rating systems:

  • IGBC Green New Buildings
  • IGBC Green Existing Buildings
  • IGBC Green Homes
  • IGBC Green Schools
  • IGBC Green Factory Building
  • IGBC Green Townships
  • IGBC Green SEZs
  • IGBC Green Landscapes
  • IGBC Green Mass Rapid Transit System


Projects by developers can register for Precertification. This is an option provided for projects aspiring to get precertified at the design stage. The documentation submitted for precertification must detail the project design features, which will be implemented. The rating awarded under precertification is based on the project design details that comply with the requirements of the rating system. It is important to note that the precertification rating awarded need not necessarily correspond to the final certification.

Precertification is applicable to the following rating systems:

  • IGBC New Buildings (Tenant-occupied buildings)
  • IGBC Green Homes
  • IGBC Green Townships
  • IGBC Green SEZs

IGBC offers Provisional certification for projects applying for MoEF Clearance. The provisional certification process will be same as precertification process.


Provisional certification is applicable to the following rating systems:

  • IGBC New Buildings – Owner occupied buildings
  • IGBC Green Factory Building


The projects which seek precertification need to submit the following documentation:


1. Filled in Templates
2.Narratives and supporting documentation such as drawings, calculations (in excel sheets), declarations/ contract documents, purchase invoices, manufacturer cut sheets/ letters/ material test reports, etc., for each mandatory requirement/ credit.


IGBC would take 30 working days to review the first set of precertification documents. On receiving the clarifications posed in the first review, IGBC would take another 30 working days to award the precertification. A certificate and a letter are provided to projects on precertification.


Precertified projects are required to provide the status of the project to IGBC, in relation to the rating, once in every six months until the award of the final rating. Pre-certification gives the owner/ developer a unique advantage to market the project to potential buyers.


In rare cases, mandatory requirements/ credits get denied due to misinterpretation of the intent. On receipt of the final review and if the project team feels that sufficient grounds exist to appeal a credit denied in the final review, the project has an option to appeal to IGBC for reassessment of denying mandatory requirements and/ or credits. The documentation of the mandatory requirements / credits seeking appeal may be resubmitted to IGBC along with necessary fees. IGBC will take 30 working days to review such documentation. If an appeal is pursued, please note that a different review team will be assessing the appeal documentation.


1. Filled-in Template for respective mandatory requirement/ credit.
2. Appeal submittal documentation for only those mandatory requirement/ credits that the project is appealing for. Also, include a narrative for each appealed mandatory requirement/ credit to describe how the documents address the reviewers` comments and concerns.


-Rating and certification system


Commercial: all

Industrial: all

Mixed use: all

Residential: all

New construction


Alterations & Additions

Site Planning and Management

Sustainable Transportation

Water Conservation

Energy Efficiency

Material and Resource Management

Health & Well-being

Green Education

Innovation in Design

• ECBC 2017


• Indian Plumbing Code (IPC)

• National Building Code (NBC)










Certification/Compliance Process

Certification Level

Owner-occupied Buildings

Tenant-occupied Buildings



40 – 49

40 – 49

Best Practices


50 – 59

50 – 59

Outstanding Performance


60 – 74

60 – 74

National Excellence


75 – 100

75 – 100

Global Leadership