Nanomaterials make up many of everyday products around us, whose existence relies on the ability to design, manufacture, and manipulate…
Good opportunities arise when several trends come together in a way that creates opportunities that would otherwise
not be possible. Other combinations of trends are the aging
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ONDON, MONTREAL, NEW YORK, and VANCOUVER, Dis. 17, 2020 [Press Releases] – Five years into the Paris Agreement — and before the 2021 UN climate talks in Glasgow — UK cities take drastic weather measures.
Since the election of Mayor Don Iveson in 2013, Edmonton has launched one of Canada’s most ambitious climate programs. The City plans to double its population by achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and, as far as we know, is the first municipality in North America to incorporate a carbon budget into its official plan, setting a limit on how often the public can contribute.
Venice is sinking. The West Coast is on fire. Climate emergency declarations have become commonplace. At SSG, we are in the trenches, working with cities across the continent to figure out how to move beyond planning and into climate action.
When daily life is humming along more-or-less routinely, it is easy to lose sight of just how uncertain the future really is, even during the best of times. And these are not the best of times. The pandemic has brought an abrupt halt to business as usual in our personal lives and in our economy.